Welcome To The Secret Sketchbook of Aurelia Nobleia
This is where I draw. And paint. And create art. Just for fun. But I don't write that much here. Check out my blog for more rambles...
Exercise Time
This is the result of a random word generator idea. The prompt I got is bear, tv, and lift. It’s quite fun.
Are you lucky enough to get the last order of a popular eatery? I’m being lazy here not including a line of customers waiting for a scoop of ice cream.
I hope it conveys both the feeling of being lucky and unlucky while waiting for the food.
The Garage was Trashed
The garage was trashed but Riley made something to be proud of. This is my entry for Feb Contest of SVS.
Feeding The Bird
After listening to Marco Bucci’s digital painting demo, I allowed myself to really play and have fun with the painting. My first time trying the oil painting brush in PS. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out.
I did these two for the January SVS contest. The first one got an honorable mention and the second one went into the final 16 list.