Our friend just celebrated her funeral a few days ago.
I say “celebrated” because…
… she’s in a better place now. I think there’s a scripture which says, “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.” So she’s definitely enjoying herself right now…
And also because it just helps me lessen the sadness and depression.
But as much as I hate funerals, I can’t deny that I’m grateful for them in a way. Because of the things they teach me. And the things they remind me of. For example, things like:
- Life is short. Enjoy everyday. Cherish everyday. For every single day is a gift.
- Appreciate your loved ones. None of us knows our time. None of us knows when we’ll be taken. Age is not a factor. Not that much anyway.
- Always bring an umbrella to funerals. Because the heavens will be crying their hearts out. And even if they don’t, it’ll at least protect you from the hours of standing in the sun.
- Don’t live a life where you do what you hate to earn enough money for retirement. So you can finally do what you love when you retire. Who knows if you’re ever gonna retire?
- Love what you do and you’ll never work a day in your life.
- The lotus flower is often used as a funeral flower. Because it represents renewal, regeneration, and life after death. I didn’t know that.
- Be like the flower. The more you tear into it, the greater its fragrance.
Anyways, it’s Valentines Day today. So wishing you and your loved ones an incredible Happy Valentines!
I’m taking the day off…
Enjoy today. And make sure you cherish your loved ones as much as you can. 🙂
And if you forgot your Valentines Gift, and need to DIY a last-minute-one, this is trending in our store right now:
Aurelia “Grateful For Today” Nobleia