I’m sitting in my studio right now.
And I don’t feel like doing anything. At all.
It’s been raining outside since yesterday. Non-stop. The weather’s cold. The sky’s grey. Could it be that Autumn is early this year?
Well, all I want to do right now is bundle myself up in a blanket and sip on some hot chocolate.
So I went to the kitchen to get the raw chocolate. And put a pot on the burner to boil.
But before I put the chocolate in, I thought to myself…
"Mmmm… This chocolate looks good. Would be a shame to melt it and drink it."
So I threw it in my mouth.
And enjoyed every bite.
So instead of making hot chocolate, I switched to making fake coffee instead.
What’s fake coffee you ask?
It’s one of my favorite drinks. And tastes exactly like coffee (to me at least). But without any drawbacks of real coffee.
No caffeine.
No acidity.
No additives.
No bitterness.
And it’s nutritious in a lot of ways because of the herbs used to make it.
(You can do a quick Google Search on each of the herbs if you wanna know how they benefit you.)
But in case you were wondering…
… no!
It’s not hard to make.
In fact, it’s so easy, I thought I’d share it with you today in case you’d like to give it a try.
I know a lot of people these days are trying to wean themselves off caffeine. And coffee.
But don’t know what to substitute it with.
If that’s you, then you’ll wanna give this a try.
(According to what I’ve read, people who tried switching over have no withdrawal symptoms.)
And even if that’s not you, you might wanna give this a try. Especially if you need something to keep you warm while you’re crafting or making your art. Even more so if it’s cold outside.
– 1 teaspoon of Dandelion Root blend (I use this)
* you can add more if you want stronger flavor
– 1 teaspoon of Raw Almond butter (I love this!)
* if you want it even milkier, add more!
– 1 teaspoon of Honey
– 1 cup of hot water
– Put the raw almond butter in a small container with some water and shake until it all dissolves.
– Add the hot water to the Dandelion Root blend and mix with honey.
– Combine everything together and enjoy.
Oh. And if you’re totally vegan, feel free to substitute the Honey with something else.
I don’t mind cheating with a little honey, because I enjoy it. 🙂
It’s back to sipping on my fake coffee and lazing around for now.
See ya.
Aurelia Nobleia
"Sleepy Sloth-Bunny"